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Town Council Regular Meeting 5-18-09


Regular Minutes Page 1  May 18, 2009

TOWN COUNCIL – Regular Meeting
Council Chambers – South Windsor Town Hall

1.      Call Meeting to Order

Mayor Prague called the Regular Meeting to order at 8:19 p.m.

4.      Roll Call

Members Present:        Mayor Cary Prague
        Deputy Mayor Gary Bazzano
        Councillor Kathryn Hale
        Councillor Edward Havens
Councillor Lisa Maneeley
Councillor Kevin McCann (arrived at 8:35 p.m.)
Councillor Paul Oates
Councillor John Pelkey
Councillor Keith Yagaloff

Also Present:           Matthew B. Galligan, Town Manager

Following the Roll Call, Mr. Michael Gantick, Director of Public Works came forward to present individuals with awards in the categories of Business Partners, Citizens and Employee’s as part of the National Public Works Week.

5.      Public Input


6.      Environmental Health & Safety Message


7.      Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meetings

        Councillor Pelkey made a motion to table this item until the next Regular Meeting.  Councillor Yagaloff seconded the motion; and it was approved, unanimously.

8.      Public Petitions



9.      Communications from Officers and boards Directly Responsible to Council


10.     Communications and Reports from Town Manager

        Mr. Galligan announced staff recognitions, noting that Mr. Gantick who is the Public Works Directors was appointed to serve on the Governor’s Climate change Adaptation Work Group on Infrastructure, requested to speak at the 2009 Wireless Enterprise Symposium on GPS Technology Deployment, and also requested to speak at the Fall NE Regional APWA Conference on GPS/GIS Technology Department.

        Answering questions from the Town Counci, Mr. Galligan explained that the Audit Committee met and the numbers for the audit have not changed, but there were issues regarding training which is more personnel issues that should be discussed during an executive session.

11.     Reports from Standing Committees


12.     Reports of Temporary Committees


13.     Communications and Petitions from Council

        Councillor Oates informed the public that the Memorial Day Parade will be held on Monday, May 25, 2009.  The parade begins at Nutmeg Industrial Park at 10:00 a.m.

        Councillor Hale commented that she felt it is inappropriate to have blanks left on agenda items.  The numbers for this item should have been provide prior to the meeting.

14.     Public Participation    

        Mr. Larry Torff of 521 Quarry Brook Drive came before the Town Council.  He stated that he finds the budget process inappropriate and is disappointed that residents will not have an opportunity to speak on issues.


15.     Consent Agenda


16.     Unfinished Business


17.     New Business

  • Resolution Approving the Purchase of 1530 Sullivan Avenue (the “Old Post Office”)
WHEREAS, the Town of South Windsor is currently leasing the property at 1530 Sullivan Avenue (the “Old Post Office”) from Kerin & Kerin LLC (the “Landlord”); and

WHEREAS, the Landlord has offered to sell the Old Post Office to the Town of South Windsor and to terminate the existing lease; and

WHEREAS, the Town Council has determined that it is in the Town’s best interests to own the property rather than to continue to lease it; and

WHEREAS, the Town of South Windsor has been asked to consider the purchase of the Old Post Office for the sum of $1,100,000 plus approximately $33,000 for the reimbursement of the prepayment penalty to the Landlord’s lender and approximately $70,000 for certain additional costs incurred with obtaining financing for the tenant build-out expenses contemplated under the lease

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby authorizes Town Manager, Matthew B. Galligan, and the Town Attorney, Duncan J. Forsyth, of Halloran & Sage LLP to negotiate and execute an agreement for the purchase by the Town of South Windsor of the Old Post Office from the Landlord for the sum of $1,100,000 plus approximately $33,000 for the reimbursement of the prepayment penalty to the Landlord’s lender and approximately $70,000 for certain additional costs incurred with obtaining financing for the tenant build-out expenses contemplated under the lease, or such lesser amount as the Town Manager may be able to negotiate, and to prepare all other documents necessary for the acquisition of said property by the Town of South Windsor.


17.     A.      (continued)

Was made by Councillor Pelkey
Seconded by Councillor Havens

Councillor Pelkey stated that there is language in the resolution that will enable the Town Manager to continue to negotiate and Councillor Pelkey feels the Town should move this proposal forward.

Answering questions from Councillor McCann, Mr. Galligan explained that he is hoping to close on this property after the Planning & Zoning Commission takes action on the 8-24 referral.

Councillor Yagaloff felt that the general concept of purchasing the property and getting out of the lease is a good one, but does not support spending the $33,000 and $70,000.

Councillor Hale stated that although she does not agree with the amounts, the only responsible thing to do at this point is purchase this property.

Mayor Prague stated that he agrees with Councillor Hale.

Councillor Havens stated that he feels Council and future Councils will be glad the Town purchased this property because it is in the right location.

Mayor Prague called for a vote on the Resolution, it passed on a Roll Call vote of 7 to 2 with Mayor Prague, Councillor Hale, Councillor Maneeley, Councillor Havens, Councillor Oates, Councillor Pelkey and Councillor McCann all voting in favor of approval; and Deputy Mayor Bazzano and Councillor Yagaloff voting in opposition of approval.

  • Resolution Submitting the Proposed Purchase of 1530 Sullivan Avenue (“Old Post Office”) to the Planning & Zoning Commission pursuant to Section 8-24 of the Connecticut General Statutes
WHEREAS, the Town of South Windsor is currently leasing the property at 1530 Sullivan Avenue (the “Old Post Office”) from Kerin & Kerin LLC (the “Landlord”); and

WHEREAS, the Landlord has offered to sell the Old Post Office to the Town of South Windsor and to terminate the existing lease; and


17.     B.      (continued)

WHEREAS, the Town of South Windsor has been asked to consider the purchase of the Old Post Office for the sum of $1,100,000 plus approximately $33,000 for the reimbursement of the prepayment penalty to the Landlord’s lender and approximately $70,000 for certain additional costs incurred with obtaining financing for the tenant build-out expenses contemplated under the lease

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Town Manager, Matthew B. Galligan, is directed to refer the proposed purchase of the Old Post Office to the Planning & Zoning Commission pursuant to Section 8-24 of the Connecticut General Statutes.

Made by Councillor Yagaloff
Seconded by Councillor Pelkey

Council members discussed the process of 8-24 referrals.  Town Manager, Matthew Galligan stated that he would be attending the meeting to give the Planning & Zoning a formal report.  The purchase of the building will allow the Town to apply for grants to renovate.

Councillor Hale made a motion to amend this Resolution by adding the following language as the fourth paragraph of the Resolution:

WHEREAS, this purchase will eliminate the future obligation to pay $174,328 per year for a period of five years and will facilitate the obtaining of grants for improving the property.

Councillor Pelkey seconded the Amendment and offered a friendly amendment to say “at least $174,328”.  Councillor Hale agreed to the friendly amendment.

Mayor Prague called for a vote on the Amendment; it was approved, unanimously.

Answering questions from the Council, Mr. Galligan stated that he would provide the Planning & Zoning Commission with the agreement and financial information.  Mr. Galligan then stated that he feels it would be in the best interest of all parties involved, that the Mayor along with another member of the Council to meet with the Chairperson of the Planning & Zoning Commission to discuss this item.  It would also be advised to have the Town Attorney at the meeting.


17.     B.      (continued)

Mayor Prague called for a vote on the Amended Resolution; it was approved, unanimously.

C.      Resolution Adopting the Budgets for the Special Revenue Pollution control and Wastewater Treatment Fund and the Special Revenue Recreation fund for Fiscal Year 2009/2010

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council adopts a special Revenue Pollution Control & Wastewater Treatment Fund budget and Capital Expenditures budget totaling $4,065,797; a Special Revenue Recreation fund Budget with expenditures totaling $1,592,306; commencing on July 1, 2009, and terminating on June 30, 2010.

Was made by Councillor Pelkey
Seconded by Councillor Oates

Council members felt that this item should be tabled in order to discuss the General Government budget prior to acting on this Resolution.

Councillor Hale made a motion to table this item.  Mayor Prague seconded the motion; and it was approved, unanimously.

Councillor Yagaloff made a motion to Suspend the Rules in order to go to Item 17. J.  Councillor Pelkey seconded the motion; and it was approved, unanimously

  • Resolution Supporting the Reconstruction & Re-Sodding of the two Multi-Purpose Fields at the South Windsor High School
WHEREAS, on April 6, 2009, the South Windsor Town Council approved a resolution submitting the reconstruction and re-sodding of the two Multi-Purpose fields at South Windsor High School to the Planning & Zoning Commission pursuant to Section 8-24 of the Connecticut General Statutes; and

WHEREAS, the Planning & Zoning Commission disapproved the project at their regular meeting held on May 12, 2009

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)


17.     J.      (continued)

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council supports the project of the reconstruction and re-sodding of the two Multi-Purpose fields at South Windsor High School.

Was made by Councillor McCann
Seconded by Deputy Mayor Bazzano

Councillor McCann informed the public that there may have been confusion with this project.  The project is for the fields at the high school and there has been no change in the use of the fields.  The fields were grass and will continue to be grass.

Mayor Prague called for a vote on the Resolution; it was approved, unanimously.

  • Resolution Adopting the General Government Budget for Fiscal Year 2009/2010
BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council adopts a General Government Budget with expenditures totaling $______________, for the Fiscal Year commencing on July 1, 2009 and terminating on June 30, 2010, a copy of which Budget is on file in the Office of the Town Clerk.

Was made by Mayor Prague
Seconded by Councillor Oates

Councillor Pelkey requested that the Democratic minority has put together in order to give some thoughts and ideas regarding the budget, Exhibit A.

Various questions were answered regarding the presentation.

At 10:10 p.m. the Town Council members took a fifteen minute recess to review the presentation and the different numbers that were provided during the presentation.  The meeting reconvened at 10:25 p.m.


17.     D.      (continued)

Mayor Prague stated he would like to read the resolution with a number.  The resolution to read as follows:

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council adopts a General Government Budget with expenditures totaling $32,647,385, for the Fiscal Year commencing on July 1, 2009 and terminating on June 30, 2010, a copy of which Budget is on file in the Office of the Town Clerk.

Councillor Oates stated that he appreciated the presentation tonight, but felt it is not fiscally responsible to a include dollar amounts in the budget that the Town does not have, (selling of the old firehouse, permit fees, and use money from the Movie Studio).

Councillor Hale stated that the Democrats budget is responsible and gives more tax relief to citizens.  The Republicans budget is too high and could not support it.

Councillor Hale made a motion to amend the number to read $32,318,238.  Councillor Pelkey seconded the motion.

Council members discussed the amendment.

At 11:04 p.m., Councillor Pelkey made a motion to extend the meeting ten minutes.  Mayor Prague seconded the motion; and it was approved, unanimously.

The meeting reconvened at 11:17 p.m.

Mayor Prague called for a vote on the Amendment; it failed on a Roll Call vote of 4 to 5 with Councillor Yagaloff, Councillor Hale, Councillor Pelkey and Councillor Havens all voting in favor of the amendment; and Mayor Prague, Deputy Mayor Bazzano, Councillor Maneeley, Councillor McCann and Councillor Oates all voting in opposition to the amendment.

Mayor Prague called for a vote on the Resolution, it passed on a Roll Call vote of 5 to 4 with Mayor Prague, Deputy Mayor Bazzano, Councillor Maneeley, Councillor McCann and Councillor Oates all voting in favor of approval; and Councillor Havens, Councillor Pelkey, Councillor Yagaloff and Councillor Hale voting in opposition to approval of the resolution.


17.     D.      (continued)

At 11:22 p.m. Councillor McCann made a motion to extend the meeting in order to set the tax rate.  Deputy Mayor Bazzano seconded the motion and it failed due to not having unanimous consensus.  The meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah W. Reid
Clerk of the Council